May 05 , 2022

Why Choose Hopper Windows for Your Home?


Why Choose Hopper Windows for Your Home?

There are many window types you can see on many websites, like casement windows, double-hung or awning windows, etc. Perhaps you have heard hopper windows many times, but you don’t know much about them, not even to mention whether they are good for your project or not. Hopper windows are quite a useful windows type and have many benefits for houses. They are not only energy-efficient and versatile but also very practical, good for many locations. Many house owners like to have hopper windows in their bathrooms, kitchens, and basements.

What is a Hopper Window?

A hopper window is hinged on the top and opens inward with a handle. You normally see them in basements and bathrooms. Most hopper windows don’t use cranks to open as the whole sashes tilt from the top, allowing for airflow into the room. Hopper windows usually have one single sash with dual pane glazing.

How to Open Hopper Windows?

To open a hopper window, you need to turn the handle and the sash opens inside the house. To lock the windows, turn the handle to seal them close to the Frame. Hopper windows are easy to operate, requiring not much strength and even children can open them.

What are the Sizes of Hopper Windows?

Hopper windows can come in a wide range of sizes, depending on the openings. A standard size hopper window is easy to buy or replace, and relatively cheaper than a customer-built hopper window. The standard size of a hopper window is 12 inches (30.48 cm) to 24 inches (60.96 cm) tall and 30 inches (76.20 cm) to 36 inches (91.44 cm) wide. Most of the time, hopper windows are much wider than taller.

Comparison: Hopper Windows VS. Awning Windows

Hopper and awning windows are similar in many ways. Both hopper and awning windows are energy-efficient casement windows. Besides, they provide good ventilation in a vertical direction. What’s more, they are weatherproof. They can remain open on a rainy day as the sash can protect the rainwater from getting into the house, which is beyond compare. Last not but least, both windows are good for providing privacy.

However, they also differ in many ways, too. From the opening ways, hopper windows swing open inward and are more secure. Awning windows can swing outward or with a crank rotating outward, and require stronger hardware to support the sash to ensure security. From the ventilation, for the hopper, the air flows in from the top while the awning allows for air to flow in from the bottom, that’s also why the hopper is good for basements and awnings are good for kitchens. From the cleaning, it’s hard to clean the exterior side of the sash for awing windows, but you can easily clean both sides of the sash of hopper windows.

Why are Hopper Windows Perfect for Your Home?

There is no doubt that a hopper window has many benefits that a comfortable house wishes to have in the aspects of energy efficiency, reduce humidity, security, etc.

Hopper windows are energy efficient. Energy-efficient is a key element for windows. An energy-efficient window will save you much trouble in a long term. Hopper windows don’t slide on tracks like hung windows or sliding windows and they are sealed tightly to the frame once closed. Since there is less airflow between the frame and sash, hopper windows are energy efficient. With a hopper window, you will save more bills on energy consumption while enjoying warm winter and cool summer inside the house.

Hopper windows reduce humidity and can remain open in all weathers. Due to the unique design of hopper windows, they form a good space for ventilation in all weathers, even on rainy days. Not only do they keep away dust and debris from your house, but they also help reduce humidity and keep the area dry, which are very important for places like basements, bathrooms, and laundry rooms. This is also one of the main reasons why people like hopper windows.

Hopper windows are very secure. They are normally wider than taller and can be opened only with some angles into the room, which means it is not likely for someone to break into your house through them. You have no done, not worry one occasion. Since the sash opens from the top, kids won’t be hurt by the edge of the windows. You can even have them in children’s rooms. What’s more, since it opens inward, it’s easy to clean and your windows always look clean and new.

Hopper windows are good at saving space. Hopper windows don’t need space to swing open or take much interior space and they have little impact on your interior design. Therefore, hopper windows are good for smaller locations.

Hopper windows are budget-friendly. Budget is very important when buying windows. Compared to other window types, hopper windows have many benefits while still offering friendly pricing. For small windows, it’s harder to design for the frame, glazing unit, and hardware. But hopper windows are relatively cheaper than small windows. In this way, hopper windows excel other window types.

What are the Drawbacks of Hopper Windows?

Every window type has its benefits, and so are drawbacks. Since hopper windows open into a house, it naturally takes up some interior space, which means you need to close your curtain before penning your windows. But that’s not a big problem. Another thing is that, although hopper windows have many benefits and are good for locations like basements or bathrooms, they cannot function as an egress in case of emergency.

How much do Hopper Windows Cost?

Hopper windows are relatively cheaper than other window types. Generally, the cost of a hopper window ranges from $250 to $700 in most projects. How much you will pay for your hopper windows is not a fixed price, it depends on all the designs in the end. It’s crucial to take everything into account before making your decisions.

Why Choose Hopper Windows for Your Home?

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